OAU Staff Join Nationwide Protest Over Unpaid Salaries

OAU staff protest unpaid salaries and university crisis

In a significant display of discontent, members of the Senior Staff Association of Nigeria Universities (SSANU) at Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU) in Ile-Ife, Osun State, took to the streets on Tuesday June 9th 2024 to protest the non-payment of their salaries for the past four months. This action was part of a larger nationwide protest organized by SSANU to draw attention to the plight of university workers across Nigeria.

Dr. Taiwo Arobadi, the Chairman of the OAU branch of SSANU, led the protest on the university campus. In his address to the gathered members, Dr. Arobadi expressed deep frustration over the breakdown of negotiations between the union and the Federal Government. He emphasized that the current situation, which has led to this protest, could have been avoided if the government had been more responsive to the union’s concerns.

The decision to hold this one-day nationwide protest was made by SSANU’s national body on July 7th, 2024. The union mandated all its branches across the country to participate, aiming to create a unified front in expressing their grievances over the withheld salaries and other pending issues affecting university non-teaching staff.

Dr. Arobadi made a passionate appeal to the Minister of Education, urging immediate action to address the salary crisis. He also called upon the Minister of Labor and Employment to intervene, warning that the current situation could escalate into widespread industrial disharmony across Nigerian universities if left unresolved.

The SSANU chairman pointed out that the protest was a direct result of the government’s failure to honor agreements previously reached with the union. This breach of trust has led to growing frustration among university staff, who feel their concerns are being ignored or dismissed.

The protesters put forward several key demands:

  1. Immediate Payment of Withheld Salaries: The most pressing issue is the four months of unpaid salaries. SSANU members are calling for the immediate release of these funds, citing the severe financial hardship many of their members are facing.
  2. Equal Treatment: The union is demanding an end to what they perceive as discrimination between academic and non-teaching staff in universities. They argue that all university staff play crucial roles in the education system and should be treated equally.
  3. Implementation of Previous Agreements: SSANU is calling on the government to honor and implement all previously agreed-upon terms, which they say have been consistently ignored.
  4. Improved Working Conditions: The protesters are also pushing for better working conditions and improved welfare packages for non-teaching staff in universities.

Dr. Arobadi stressed the urgency of the situation, calling on all stakeholders in the education sector to intervene before the issue spirals into a full-blown industrial crisis. He warned that if their demands are not met, the union might be forced to take more drastic action, which could severely disrupt activities in Nigerian universities.

The OAU protest is just one of many similar demonstrations taking place across Nigeria’s universities. This coordinated action highlights the widespread nature of the problem and the unity among SSANU members nationwide.

As the protest unfolded on the OAU campus, students and other members of the university community watched with concern. Many expressed solidarity with the protesting staff, recognizing that the smooth functioning of the university depends on the well-being of all its employees.

The outcome of this nationwide protest remains to be seen, but it has certainly succeeded in bringing the plight of university non-teaching staff to the forefront of national discourse. All eyes are now on the Federal Government and relevant ministries to see how they will respond to these pressing demands and work towards resolving the ongoing crisis in Nigeria’s higher education sector.

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