LIRS and DKK Nigeria Collaborate to Educate Students on Taxes Through Tax Trybe Initiative

Tax Trybe initiative

The Lagos State Internal Revenue Service (LIRS) has partnered with DKK Nigeria to launch an educational initiative called Tax Trybe. This initiative focuses on teaching high school students in Lagos about the importance of taxes through engaging activities like debate competitions.

The first edition of Tax Trybe recently took place in Lagos, where students from 20 schools participated. Out of these, 12 schools actively debated various aspects of taxes. The initiative aims to not only educate students about taxes but also to inspire them to become responsible citizens who understand their role in contributing to their community and country.

Bukola Thomas, Chief Operating Officer of DKK Nigeria, emphasized the significance of starting early with tax education. “We designed Tax Trybe to spark students’ interest in taxes and to show them why paying taxes is important for our society,” Thomas explained. The initiative seeks to instill a sense of civic duty and financial responsibility among young Nigerians.

Looking ahead, DKK Nigeria plans to expand Tax Trybe to involve more schools in Lagos and eventually in other cities across Nigeria. They aim to increase participation from 20 schools to 60 schools in the next phase of the initiative. This expansion is part of their efforts to reach more students and communities with essential knowledge about taxes.

Folashade Coker, Director of Informal Sector and Special Duties at LIRS, praised Tax Trybe for its proactive approach in educating students about taxes. “Starting early helps students understand the importance of taxes and prepares them to manage their finances responsibly as they grow up,” Coker stated. The initiative not only focuses on theoretical knowledge but also on practical skills that students can apply in their daily lives.

The recent debate competition concluded with Ishola Damilola from Majidun Senior Grammar School emerging as the winner. Lagos Senior College and Wesley Girls Senior Secondary School secured the first and second runners-up positions, respectively. The success of the competition underscores the enthusiasm and engagement among students in learning about taxes through interactive and educational activities.

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