Experts Urge Nigeria to Include Leadership Skills Development in School Curriculum

Leadership skills development in Nigerian schools

Experts are emphasizing the need for Nigeria to integrate leadership skills development into the school curriculum, especially at the primary and secondary education levels. This move aims to prepare children and young adults for societal relevance and the emerging world of work and knowledge economy. By doing so, schools—both public and private—can produce learners who are fit for purpose and future-ready, capable of creating wealth and providing solutions while still in school rather than becoming job seekers after graduation.

These insights were shared at a one-day workshop organized by Teesas Education in Lagos on Wednesday. The event, held in conjunction with FranklinCovey, featured high-profile school owners, administrators, managers, and other stakeholders in Nigeria’s education sector. The discussions focused on the transformative “Leader in Me” program, which aims to develop leadership skills in children.

The Leader in Me program enhances school development in three core areas: culture, leadership, and academics. It coaches students to become effective leaders to themselves and others, both now and in the future. Mr. Osayi Izedonmwen, Chairman/CEO of Teesas Education, highlighted that this program represents a paradigm shift from traditional education methods to a more evolving approach that shapes learners’ orientations, thinking, and focus to be life-ready leaders from their school years.

Mr. Izedonmwen pointed out that the old approach of preparing students primarily to pass exams and secure employment is outdated. In today’s world, new knowledge and methods are constantly evolving, necessitating a shift towards teaching students to become wealth creators and leaders in their chosen fields. The Leader in Me program aims to close this gap by incorporating the seven habits of highly effective people into children’s education, with significant parent engagement.

Mr. Justin Permenter, Regional Director of FranklinCovey Education, highlighted the global move from an industrial to a knowledge-based economy. He shared insights from the World Economic Forum’s Future of Jobs 2023 Report, which emphasizes the need for skills like analytical and creative thinking, technological literacy, empathy, active listening, teamwork, leadership, and social influence. He also mentioned McKinsey’s Future of Work Skills Report, which points out that cognitive, interpersonal, self-leadership, and digital skills are in high demand across different industries.

The workshop’s discussants, including Dr. Femi Ogunsanya of Oxbridge Tutorial College, Mrs. Modupe Adeyinka-Oni of Standard Bearers School, and Mrs. Monica Lewis of Pegasus Schools, agreed on the need to re-evaluate Nigeria’s school curriculum. They emphasized the importance of incorporating practical content that will make learning more effective and relevant. They believe that deploying the Leader in Me program in schools will significantly impact student development.

Mr. Felix Nwose, founder of Maftouch School in Ogun State, expressed his readiness to implement the knowledge gained from the workshop in his school. He, along with other participants, believes that Nigerian schools must expose children to skills that will prepare them for the future.

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