Fully Funded 2024 Wellington Scholarship Program 2024 in New Zealand

Wellington Scholarship Program 2024

The 2024 Wellington Scholarship Program at Victoria University of Wellington offers fully funded opportunities for doctoral students.

These scholarships cover full tuition and provide an annual stipend of $29,500 to support and encourage PhD study at Victoria University of Wellington.

This article outlines the details, requirements, benefits, and application process for this scholarship.

Wellington Scholarship Program Summary:

  • Host Country: New Zealand
  • Study Abroad: Study in Australia
  • Category: Postgraduate Scholarships | PhD Scholarships
  • Eligible Countries: All Countries
  • Reward: Full Scholarship | $29,500 Yearly Stipend
  • Deadline: November 1, 2024

Wellington Scholarship Program Details:

The Wellington Scholarship Program aims to encourage postgraduate research at Victoria University of Wellington by offering scholarships to those beginning their doctoral studies.

These scholarships are awarded based on academic merit and are available to both New Zealand and international students in any discipline.

Eligibility Requirements for Wellington Scholarship Program 2024:

To be eligible for the Wellington Scholarship Program, applicants must:

  • Be graduates of any university within or outside of New Zealand intending to enroll full-time for a Doctorate (PhD), or
  • Have commenced their doctoral study at Victoria University of Wellington.
  • Have a strong academic record and excellent academic references, or:
    • Demonstrate potential for high-quality research, or
    • Have a record of publication in high-quality journals commensurate with experience and education.

Benefits of the Wellington Scholarship Program 2024:

The Wellington Scholarship Program offers:

  • A $29,500 per annum stipend plus domestic tuition fees for up to three years.
  • Scholarships are awarded to top-ranked candidates in any Doctoral admission and scholarship application round throughout the year.

Selection Process for the Wellington Scholarship Program:

  • Final selection is made by the Victoria Research Scholarships Committee from applicants put forward by the relevant School and Faculty.
  • Offers of Wellington Doctoral Scholarships are made approximately six weeks after each closing date in March, July, and November of the year of application.
  • Some applicants may not be notified of their application status until three months after applying, depending on offer acceptances and declines.

How to Apply for the 2024 Wellington Scholarship Program (Step by Step):

To apply for the Wellington Scholarship Program, interested and qualified applicants should:

  1. Click here to visit the scholarship website.
  2. Apply for a doctoral degree at Victoria University of Wellington.
  3. Apply for funding after completing the above step.
  4. The Victoria Research Scholarships Committee will make the final selection from applicants put forward by the relevant School and Faculty.
  5. Offers of Wellington Doctoral Scholarships will be made approximately six weeks after each closing date in March, July, and November of the year of application.
  6. Some applicants may not be finally notified of their application status until three months after applying due to the possibility of further offers being made.

Deadline: November 1, 2024

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