Every Child Deserves Education – Commission Asserts


The National Commission for Almajiri and Out-of-School Children’s Education (NCAOOSCE) has declared that every child deserves access to education, healthcare, protection, and a nurturing environment. This aligns with President Bola Tinubu’s renewed hope agenda.

In a statement commemorating this year’s Children’s Day with the theme “For Every Child, Every Right,” Dr. Muhammad Sani Idris, Executive Secretary/CEO of NCAOOSCE, emphasized their mission to ensure all Almajiri and out-of-school children receive quality education and opportunities to thrive.

Idris highlighted the Commission’s efforts to support states and local governments in implementing effective education policies and integrating western education into Almajiri school curricula. He also noted their work in equipping these children with vocational skills for self-reliance and collaborating with relevant agencies to protect their fundamental rights.

Calling on stakeholders to join their mission, Idris stressed the importance of collective action to ensure every child has access to quality education and a brighter future. “Together, we can make a difference and ensure that every child enjoys their rights and reaches their full potential. The time to act is now,” he asserted.

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