Nigeria Sets Single 5-Year Term for College of Education Provosts


Nigeria’s Ministry of Education recently clarified the rules for Provosts in Federal Colleges of Education. The new rule states that Provosts can only serve for one term of 5 years, with no chance for renewal. This decision aims to make the tenure process fairer and more consistent across different institutions.

The Ministry’s clarification, shared in response to concerns raised by the Joint Action Committee (JAC) of Staff Unions, explains the details of the Federal Colleges of Education Act, 2023. It ensures that Provosts appointed before the Act came into effect will also follow these new guidelines.

According to the Ministry’s letter, Provosts with less than 5 years in office will complete a single 5-year term, regardless of their initial appointment duration. Those already serving a second term when the Act was enacted will finish their current 4-year term without an extension.

The Ministry’s explanation also covers special cases. For Provosts who had not completed their first 4-year term before the Act, an extra year is added to make it a 5-year term, but they can’t renew it. Similarly, Provosts re-appointed for a second 4-year term before the Act will not get an additional 5-year term; their current term will be their last.

This change aims to create a smoother transition of leadership and ensure fairness within the Colleges of Education. Any issues or complaints regarding these rules can be brought to the Governing Council of each institution.

The Ministry appreciates the Joint Action Committee’s cooperation in maintaining peace in the education sector and assures its commitment to enforcing these new regulations.

Implementing this new rule will bring significant changes to how Federal Colleges of Education are managed, with a focus on promoting consistency and fairness in leadership roles.

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