Nigeria’s Bold Move to Introduce Citizenship Studies in Schools


The Nigerian government wants kids to grow up knowing what it means to be good citizens. So, they are planning to make Citizenship Studies a must in all schools. This idea, led by the National Orientation Agency (NOA), is all about helping young people learn how to make Nigeria a great place to live by having the right knowledge and values.

Lanre Issa-Onilu, who heads NOA, talked about this plan at a big meeting in Lokoja, Kogi State. It’s in line with what President Bola Ahmed Tinubu wants — getting everyone involved in sharing what the government is doing.

Issa-Onilu says it’s super important to teach Nigerian kids the right values and how to be good citizens. He said, “The government will soon make Citizenship Studies a must in primary, secondary, and college, so our kids will learn them for sure.”

He also said learning about citizenship can help kids grow up to be responsible and proud Nigerians. “This will help them learn the right stuff and how to be good Nigerians, making our country proud wherever they go,” he added.

Starting this year, they’re setting up 37,000 Citizenship Brigades in schools, with 1,000 in each state. The goal is to make kids feel proud of their country’s culture, history, and values from a young age.

And guess what? The government is thinking about making most cartoon shows focus on Nigerian stuff. That way, kids can feel connected to their country’s history and culture. Issa-Onilu said, “Our kids should know the heroes from their communities and be proud of where they’re from, so they can be great representatives of their cultures.”

Alongside this, they’re also working on a plan called the National Values Charter to promote Nigeria’s core values. Issa-Onilu says it’s really important to keep these values alive as they’re the foundation of a strong and happy country.

He also talked about how Nigeria needs a clearer set of values. “Right now, nobody can really say what it means to be Nigerian in terms of values and character,” he said. He thinks everyone needs to work together to fix this and help people feel proud of their roots.

Teaching Citizenship Studies and promoting national values and culture are big steps toward raising responsible, proud, and ethical citizens. By helping young people understand their heritage and what it means to be Nigerian, Nigeria hopes to build a better future based on unity, progress, and respect for everyone.

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